As a senior portrait photographer, I love helping my clients feel super confident and comfortable in front of the camera. Often, my seniors have never been professionally photographed before. If you’re new to the experience – it can definitely feel intimidating!
Madi is the perfect example. She was very excited for her senior portraits because the experience was all new to her. Our 2020 seniors could use a fun way to celebrate the exciting new chapter in life after the year they’ve experienced! Let’s just say 2020 has not been kind to them.
Canceled pep rallies, sports events, and many of the senior year rites of passage – my heart breaks for them!
But, as you’ll see, Madi was unbelievable during her session, and we had such a great time together for her senior photos.
She was so accepting of all of my directions, prompts, and ideas. Her trust in me allowed me to capture stunning photos. Not that it was hard – she’s just gorgeous!
She’s planning on attending UCF next year. I can’t wait to follow her along on Instagram and see what love has in store for her!