When the whole family is home for the holidays – what better way to capture the momentous occasion than with an extended family photoshoot? This batch came rolling in with 23 siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, sisters & brothers, oh my!
We chose a lush, oak-covered dirt road right off the golf course at the Vero Beach Country Club, close to the family home.
And you know what I love most about a group this large? How they all tell me things like, “Oh boy, you’re going to have your hands full with us,” or better yet, “Good luck getting everyone looking good in the same photo!”
Challenge. Accepted. I love big groups! I love taking the time to talk to my clients and explain my process, let them know how it works, posing them JUST right… I love the whole experience! Plus, if you don’t know me, I’m basically the biggest goofball on the planet. So, worse comes to worst, you’ll at least get a good laugh at my bad jokes and silly facial expressions. Win-win for everyone!
Plus, who can say no to the Vero Beach Country Club? I LIVE for mossy oak trees!